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Rattenkrieg! Rules (PDF) FREE

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Please, before to download the set of rules, read the Description, below or visit the Rattenkrieg! Official Blog

Units and vehicles are defined and described in additional "Data Cards". You can buy individual Datacards of vehicles and Order of Battle at using "credits" than can be purchased in this shop.

The price of armored vehicles datacards is 0.50€, for light vehicles, planes, guns and boats, 0,40€, and the price of Orders of Battle cards is 0,30€.

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0.00 €

More info

Rattenkrieg! is an action/reaction based wargame that allows you to command a platoon sized force or more during the Second World War. It features a unique and dynamic unit activation system that will give you an unsurpassed flexibility to fulfill your mision. The result is a fun and fast paced wargame that involves both players almost constantly.

These rules cover virtually all aspects of World War II gaming. Included are rules for:

  • Moving, Hiding, Infiltrating and Spotting,
  • Detailed and accurate, but easy, Armored combat
  • Suppressive fire, Urban combat, Visibility, Sound,
  • Combat Awareness, Aggressiveness,
  • Assault and Close Combat Actions and much more...

Rattenkrieg! emphasises Troop Quality and Leadership and includes a fast and detailed Vehicle combat system.

The rules cover individually based infantry miniatures. While designed with 20-28mm miniatures in mind, the game system is flexible enough to handle any miniatures from 15mm to 54mm.

This rulebook provides Introductiry Scenarios.

Second Edition Prologue

Every time I have begun to play a set of rules I have ended up getting bored or tired with some problem with the rules. Whatever the level, squad, platoon, company or battalion, they all lacked certain aspects that drove me on to look for something more realistic.

In some it was the excessively large distances and forces, and dozens of armoured vehicles joined with heavy artillery that barely managed to make it to the other side of the table. In others, lists were studied to ensure the most powerful unit or vehicle at that moment was in position, or they were designed so that both forces exchanged fire from one cover or another, but at the moment of attack, and having rolled dozens and dozens of dice, you had the feeling that you had completely wasted your time.

Having flitted from one manual to another for some years and having discarded a large number of rules that did not respond to the expectations of my gaming group, I bought Rattenkrieg! after reading the level of detail it appeared to have on its web page.

I have to admit that the first time I opened the set of rules I entered into an initial state of “shock” just looking at the volume of rules and tables that I thought I´d have to learn in order to be able to play, and the level of detail that needed to be depicted in the game, so I immediately discarded it, leaving it practically untouched.

After some time, and not having discovered a system for simulating battles between tanks, I decided to reread it. Despite the large number of vaguely explained and often confusing rules in the first edition, I was impressed by the simplicity with which they could be applied to the gaming table.

Following several trial games we were pleasantly surprised to see that what initially seemed was going to be a long and cumbersome game, actually became a highly intense one where both sides were completely embroiled in the fight.
The majority of rules are optional so we were able to introduce them bit-by-bit to gain greater experience of the game. The tables and modifiers become self-explanatory after just a couple of uses, and you soon stop needing to refer to them as they are, for the most part, very intuitive.

The set of rules has a high level of detail that allows you to freely coordinate various units until you appreciate the difference between left and right-handers in combat. All this without reducing playability and without unnecessarily lengthening games.

Having adopted the set of rules and contacted Barriage Miniatures to solve some queries, a friendship soon developed and we began to test the second edition of the rules, as the first proved to be more of a beta than a complete set of rules.

This lead us to try out the new rules little by little as they were being incorporated into the new set and even comment on these changes to improve playability and understanding.

The effort and commitment that those from Barrage Miniatures have put in to this publication over the past two years are clearly reflected in the level of detail in Rattenkrieg! which allows you to dive with a Stuka on a tank or cross a river in a rubber dinghy under enemy fire, and even interrogate a prisoner following an attack or crush an enemy antitank component under the tracks of your T34.

Those who enjoy reading the memoires of fighters such as Otto Carius “Tigers in the mud” will see a great number of details reflected in these rules.

I hope you enjoy reading or playing as much as we have enjoyed collaborating with Barrage Miniatures to help, where possible, in achieving the publication of this great set of rules.

David Lacunza

Once you purchase credits, you will receive an Order confirmation email with an Order Code.

Order code

In order to get access to the website you simply need the email you used to buy the credits and Order Code (it works as your password until you change it).

Then you will enter directly in the Rattenkrieg! website with your account, where you can browse the contents of the Library and purchase the datacards you want.

This page will allow you to carry out searches for different datacards, either by name, by part name, by country, or category. The graphical filters can be activated using the gray “switch” buttons below the “search by name” section. When you activate them, they will become black or colored to show the filter has been applied. To remove these filters simply click on them again and they will go back to grey. 

There are several scenarios ready to play.

Rattenkrieg Website

Once you have applied your filters and carried out your search, a list of Datacards with these characteristics will appear below. All Datacards shown in black can be purchased immediately by clicking on BUY.

These will then be automatically added to your Shopping Cart, which will then appear on the top left-hand side of the screen. Grayed-out datacards are work-in-progress. By clicking on the PREORDER button, you will award the card a priority status.

The more preorders (limited to one per client) for these cards, the greater the priority number and precedence will be given to the production of these cards. Please note that when you chose to preorder any datacard, you will be required to pay 50% of the cost of the card. The card will automatically be added to your shopping cart for payment at checkout. You will receive a notification when this datacard has become available
and be invited to access your shopping cart to complete the payment.

Shopping cart

Once the payment for any datacard is complete, this new card will automatically appear in “My datacards”, where you can generate and open the PDF so you can print and play with them just clickling a button.

Printing the Datacards

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